Assignment 1: Simple Mockups
Mockup pages in photoshop, save out and link.
Assignment 2: Simple HTML
Create pages in HTML, link together
Assignment 3: Style about me
Style pages in CSS.
Assignment 4: Update Mockups and style
update mockups, apply css
Assignment 5: Navigation and Cards
Update navigation on all pages
Assignment 6: Hero, embeddables, and transitions
add hero image to pages, add transition styles
Assignment 7: Tutorial Pitch
Outline and Photoshop wireframes
Assignment 8: B/W Mockups
Create mockups in B/W with font choices
Assignment 9: Color Mocks in 3 ways
Create full color mockups in 3 different styles
Assignment 10: Apply style throughout site
Apply favorite parts of styles to all pages
Assignment 11: Prototype and CSS layout
Clickable prototype, attempt CSS layout
Assignment 12: Styled Home, to do list
Style home page, write a to do list
Assignment 13: Refine Content and style
Add and style content, create new to do list
Assignment 14: Case Study
Create a case study, and polish site for critique